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Skyrim Best Race For Thief

5.Nord-Now,skyrim being the land of the nords often make them good at fitting in,but besides that,The Nord's best quality is his 50% frost resistance,making him useful against mages,creatures and dragons using it. Follow these five essential tips to be the best ESO thief ever. With last week’s release of Update 1.6, players in The Elder Scrolls Online can finally pursue a life of crime with the new Justice System. Ever since the game’s launch, there’s been a lack of real thieving opportunities.

I am having trouble choosing a new character on my new game in Skyrim. I don't know whether I would like to be a Mage, Warrior or Thief. I like the sound of Thief because gold is involved, warrior because I like to be able to get in there and take damage.and deal it. And mages are cool because spells are effective against most enemies and you can upgrade your magika until you are unstoppable and learn awesome spells.So, I'm quite stuck on choice and who would make a good vampire as well? Most people say Dark Elf, but what do you think? The race bonuses doesn't make that much difference in the long run. Perhaps in the beginning the 50 points extra mana is nice.

But after 50-100 hours of playing they more or less level out and the choices you make as a player is what really counts. It's better to have a character that you love and you'll spend more time playing the game and leveling up.And the possibility of having an unconventional figuration is what makes the Elder Scrolls series so amazing compared to many other RPG's where a mage has to be a certain class or race and can not wear heavy armor or use certain weapons.Follow your heart!

In my opinionTank/Juggernaut- Orc or Argonian. Orc's because of their ability 50% more damage and less damage takenOffensive Mage- High Elf. Because of their ability 10x magic regen for 60 secondsDefensive Mage- Breton. Because of the passive magic resist and their abilityVampire- Dark Elf. Because of their passive 50% fire resist which will counter the vampires -50% to fireBerserker- Redguard, Orc or Nord. Reds and Orcs because of their abilitys, Nord because of their +10 to two handedTheif- Argonian or Khajiit. Argonians because of their +10 to lock picking and Khajiit because of their natural stealthArcher- Wood Elf or Khajiit.

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Skyrim Best Race For Thief Gw2

Wood Elf because +10 to archery and Khajiit if you mostly attack at night because of their abilityAssassin- Khajiit. Because of their natural stealthBalanced- Imperial. Their stats are evened into all three ColoursIts entirely up to you how you would like to build your class and what race to do, this is mainly for people who cant really decide.

Skyrim is designed so that you don't have to worry about statistics. So you could pick a orc mage and soon you would make up that ground.

Best Race For Thief In Skyrim

Also try to experiment with races and abilities. For example, try a breton archer on master. This makes the game more fun and more realistic.Third and final point: roleplay. Meaning if your character doesn't know it you don't do it. For example, if you know a good quest but your character has no way of knowing, you wouldn't do that quest.

Because how would your character know. Also don't do smiting it makes the game really not very fun. Don't play the game to create the most powerful character because that defeats the purpose of the play through.And have fun:). The best race is Orcs because the main thing that makes the race different is their power.


Only that race has this power and the Orcs power is Rage. I was able to kill 2 giants by level 5 using rage.Out of 10 races the best are:Fighter is Orc with doing 50% more damage while only taking 50% for 60 sec. Adds up to 400% over the Nord who only makes weak people flee for 30 sec.Mage is High Elf with +50 extra magicka and able to do Highborn which makes your magicka go up 10× faster for 60 sec.Thief is Dark Elf they always use light armor and daggers while their power is having weak fire around the user for 60 sec.


And they are also 50% resistant to fire.